How do I Hide Followers and Following Lists on Instagram

Social media platforms like Instagram have muddled the boundaries of what constitutes private information. Consequently, it’s advisable to take certain precautions. You might want to keep your followers and following lists on Instagram concealed from inquisitive eyes.

The information about our followers, those we follow, the photos we share, and the ones we like, is accessible to fellow Instagram users. There are occasions when this can pose a concern, prompting a desire to shield these lists. However, there’s no dedicated button to restrict users from viewing these lists. Nevertheless, we’re here to provide you with free methods to navigate around this issue. Keep reading to learn more about them.

How to hide Followers on Instagram?

If you want to hide your followers on Instagram, you can switch to a private account. This will allow only your followers to see the list of people you follow and those who follow you back. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three lines button in the top right corner to access menu options.
  3. Tap on “Settings & Privacy” from the list.
  4. Tap on “Account Privacy”.
  5. Toggle the switch for “Private Account” to the ON position.

Once you have switched to a private account, anyone who wants to follow you will have to send a request, which you can then review and decide whether or not to accept. This includes who’s in your followers and following lists.

Unfortunately, there is no way to hide your follower count or following list on Instagram without switching to a private account 1. However, hiding your Instagram followers list can offer an additional layer of privacy. You can create a more authentic online experience by hiding follower counts and encouraging engagement based on content quality rather than numbers.

How to Control Your Visibility on Instagram?

People often overlook the impact they make on the internet, given the overwhelming amount of information and images out there. Moreover, the fact that you can’t control what others post complicates matters. It’s not just a matter of caution, but it’s actually advisable to consider who has access to your Instagram account. Unless you’re running an online business, or you’re an influencer or a celebrity, it’s a smart move to switch your Instagram profile from public to private.

By doing so, only your followers can view the lists of people you follow and those who follow you in return. They can easily access these lists by tapping on the respective follower and following numbers. However, with a public account, these lists are open for anyone to peruse and explore the profiles.

How to Apply Restrictions to an Instagram Account?

Perhaps you don’t want to unfollow someone, but you’re encountering particular problems with them. In such cases, you might consider limiting their access to your Instagram account.

By restricting someone, they won’t be able to see your online status or know if you’ve read their messages. Additionally, any comments they leave on your posts will be visible to them alone. You have the option to view the comment by tapping ‘See Comment.’ If you wish for others who follow you to see their comments, you can simply choose ‘Approve.’ Alternatively, you can opt to delete or ignore the comment.

How do I Hide the Following List on Instagram?

If you’re an active Instagram user, you might have gathered a substantial number of followers, which is great. Nevertheless, this could lead to privacy worries, especially when it comes to who can see your list of followers. Concealing your list of followers is a crucial measure to safeguard your social media privacy.

In this article, we’ll guide you on the process of hiding your Instagram following list, granting you enhanced control over your privacy.

How do I Hide the Following List on Instagram Using my iPhone?

At times, you might want to safeguard your privacy on Instagram by switching your account to private. This ensures that only people who follow you can view your posts, including those on your following list.

Step 1: Begin by launching the Instagram app and logging in to your account. Next, tap on the profile icon located in the lower right corner of the screen. Then, in the upper right corner of your profile, tap on the three lines.

Choose “Settings” from the menu that appears.

Slide the “Private Account” toggle to the right. This action will conceal your Instagram account.

When prompted, click on “Switch to Private” to confirm the action.

Once your account has been switched to private, only those who follow you will have access to view your posts and your following list. To manage follow requests, navigate to the “Requests” page within the “Followers” section of your profile settings, where you can choose to approve, or decline follow requests.

Converting your Instagram account to private is a simple procedure that can be accomplished in just a few minutes. This allows you to maintain your privacy on the platform and have control over who can view your posts and follow you.

How do I Hide the Following List on Instagram Using Your Android?

If you own an Android phone and wish to set your Instagram account to private, you can easily follow a few steps. With a private account, only individuals you approve as followers will be able to see your posts and who you follow.

To set your Instagram account to private on an Android phone, you can follow these steps, which are similar to the iPhone instructions:

  1. Log in to your Instagram account on your Android phone by opening the Instagram app.
  2. Tap on the profile symbol located in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Tap the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner of your profile.
  4. From the resulting menu, select “Settings.”
  5. Scroll down to the bottom and choose “Privacy.”
  6. To enable the setting, slide the switch next to “Private Account” to the right.
  7. When prompted, tap “Switch to Private” to confirm the action.

Your Instagram account is now set to private, allowing only authorized followers to access your posts and the list of accounts you follow. To manage follow requests, go to your profile and select the “Followers” section. There, you’ll find a “Requests” tab where you can either accept or decline follow requests.

How do I Block Accounts on Instagram?

Blocking an Instagram account can be a last resort for some users, particularly those with a substantial following who encounter a significant amount of online negativity. It’s important to keep in mind that when you block someone, they lose the ability to view your followers or the accounts you’re following.

Go to the person’s profile page on Instagram.

  1. To block a user on Instagram, follow these steps:
  2. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. In the menu that appears, select “Block,” and then confirm the action by tapping the blue “Block” button.

That’s it, once you’ve blocked them, they won’t be able to view your followers and following lists, and they won’t have access to your account at all.


In the dynamic realm of Instagram, mastering your privacy settings can be a game-changer. From setting your account to private, carefully curating your followers, and even blocking those who may not contribute positively to your experience, these tools empower you to craft a space that reflects your online identity.

Remember, Instagram is not just about sharing moments; it’s about safeguarding them too. As you navigate the world of social media, the power to choose who sees your digital life rests in your hands. So, whether you’re preserving cherished memories, building your brand, or connecting with friends, you now have the tools to do so on your own terms. Embrace the possibilities and enjoy the journey in the ever-evolving world of Instagram.

I am Expert in the world of Blogging and Technology, bringing over a decade of experience to empower bloggers and tech enthusiasts alike with insightful analysis and guidance. Connect with me to stay ahead in the digital age.

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